Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Good Morning

Well, it is 4:58 A.M. on a Wednesday morning and I've been up since 3:30 because of a rattling gutter. I figured while I was up I would get started on this Dinosaur blog I've been wanting to do for some time.

It's hard to find time in the normal hours of the day for anything else, so I will squeeze blogging in during sleepy time hours and maybe slow days at work. Whenever that is.

Let me begin by saying simply, I love dinosaurs. Very much. Always have.
My first dino toy was a 10" tall Trachodon. First dino movie I ever saw was the Valley of Gwangi, I was 3 years old. That's all it took.

Jurassic Park was the greatest movie experience I ever had in the Theatre. I was 19 at the time.

More recently (now that I have discovered the power of the DVR) I watch a lot of History Channel, and National Geographic Channel on dinosaurs, as much as I can get.
Just finished Jack Horners book "How to build a Dinosaur", and I'm currently reading "The Gilded Dinosaur" by Mark Jaffe. It's about the bone rush and the early days of paleontology.

I am not a paleontologist, just a big enthusiast. And there is really no one in my friends or family that shares my love of the prehistoric so that's why I started this blog.

Bottom line, I hope to meet some like minded folks who feel like talking about dinosaurs.

Thanks for listening.

Larry T